Dr. Xavier González Compta, Otorhinolaryngologist

Specialist in nose, throat and ear

Doctor Xavier González Compta
Welcome to the website of Dr. Xavier González Compta, otolaryngologist with consultation in Vilanova i la Geltrú.

General and pediatric otolaryngology consultation in which audiological and endoscopic nose tests are performed, throat and ear.

Pediatric ENT surgery specialist, Minimally invasive endoscopic sinonasal surgery and functional vocal cord surgery, with extensive experience in laser techniques, radio frequency and surgical navigation.

OtoMedic Area is an otorhinolaryngology center in Vilanova i la Geltrú in which doctors Xavier González Compta participate, Miquel Guirao Cano and Anna Nogués Sabaté, with the collaboration of speech therapist Marta Sardà Escolà.

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